
Le masquage est une étape essentielle lors des travaux de rénovation, permettant de protéger certaines zones ou éléments spécifiques pendant les différentes étapes du processus.

Filtres actifs

  • Dimensions : 3mx25mm
  • Dimensions : 33mx550mm
ProductSearchResult {#739
  -products: array:2 [
    0 => array:2 [
      "id_product" => "118250"
      "id_product_attribute" => "118251"
    1 => array:2 [
      "id_product" => "98510"
      "id_product_attribute" => "98510"
  -totalProductsCount: 2
  -facetCollection: FacetCollection {#785
    -facets: array:2 [
      0 => Facet {#11
        -label: "Marque"
        -type: "manufacturer"
        -displayed: true
        -properties: array:1 [
          "filter_show_limit" => 0
        -filters: array:2 [
          0 => Filter {#771
            -label: "EUROCEL"
            -type: "manufacturer"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 1410
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-3mx25mm-33mx550mm/Marque-EUROCEL"
          1 => Filter {#768
            -label: "TESA BATIMENT"
            -type: "manufacturer"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 1440
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-3mx25mm-33mx550mm/Marque-TESA BATIMENT"
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        -widgetType: "dropdown"
      1 => Facet {#770
        -label: "Dimensions"
        -type: "attribute_group"
        -displayed: true
        -properties: array:2 [
          "filter_show_limit" => 0
          "id_attribute_group" => "12"
        -filters: array:20 [
          0 => Filter {#769
            -label: "3mx25mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: true
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 619
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm"
          1 => Filter {#762
            -label: "5mx50mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 2
            -value: 620
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-5mx50mm"
          2 => Filter {#766
            -label: "10mx15mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 2
            -value: 622
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-10mx15mm"
          3 => Filter {#765
            -label: "10mx50mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 625
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-10mx50mm"
          4 => Filter {#763
            -label: "14mx2600mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 810
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-14mx2600mm"
          5 => Filter {#764
            -label: "14mx550mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 809
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-14mx550mm"
          6 => Filter {#767
            -label: "17mx2600mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 812
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-17mx2600mm"
          7 => Filter {#773
            -label: "25mx36mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 14297
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-25mx36mm"
          8 => Filter {#772
            -label: "25mx48mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 808
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-25mx48mm"
          9 => Filter {#774
            -label: "25mx50mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 7
            -value: 286
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-25mx50mm"
          10 => Filter {#775
            -label: "25mx75mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 621
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-25mx75mm"
          11 => Filter {#776
            -label: "33mx1100mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 814
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-33mx1100mm"
          12 => Filter {#777
            -label: "33mx48mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 617
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-33mx48mm"
          13 => Filter {#778
            -label: "33mx550mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: true
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 813
            -nextEncodedFacets: ""
          14 => Filter {#779
            -label: "33mx75mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 618
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-33mx75mm"
          15 => Filter {#780
            -label: "50mx19mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 4
            -value: 614
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-50mx19mm"
          16 => Filter {#781
            -label: "50mx25mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 6
            -value: 406
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-50mx25mm"
          17 => Filter {#782
            -label: "50mx38mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 5
            -value: 615
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-50mx38mm"
          18 => Filter {#783
            -label: "50mx50mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 7
            -value: 405
            -nextEncodedFacets: "Dimensions-33mx550mm-50mx50mm"
          19 => Filter {#784
            -label: "66mx50mm"
            -type: "attribute_group"
            -active: false
            -displayed: true
            -properties: []
            -magnitude: 1
            -value: 626
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  -encodedFacets: "Dimensions-3mx25mm-33mx550mm"
  -availableSortOrders: array:8 [
    0 => SortOrder {#752
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "sales"
      -direction: "desc"
      -label: "Ventes, ordre décroissant"
    1 => SortOrder {#753
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "position"
      -direction: "asc"
      -label: "Pertinence"
    2 => SortOrder {#754
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "name"
      -direction: "asc"
      -label: "Nom, A à Z"
    3 => SortOrder {#755
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "name"
      -direction: "desc"
      -label: "Nom, Z à A"
    4 => SortOrder {#756
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "price"
      -direction: "asc"
      -label: "Prix, croissant"
    5 => SortOrder {#757
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "price"
      -direction: "desc"
      -label: "Prix, décroissant"
    6 => SortOrder {#760
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "reference"
      -direction: "asc"
      -label: "Reference, A to Z"
    7 => SortOrder {#761
      -entity: "product"
      -field: "reference"
      -direction: "desc"
      -label: "Reference, Z to A"
  -currentSortOrder: SortOrder {#715
    -entity: "product"
    -field: "position"
    -direction: "asc"
    -label: null